Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Economic Update August, 24 2009

Economic News

* Housing starts increased 7.2%
* Existing Home sales rose 3.6%
* ' Cash for Clunkers' will end early August 24th

S&P 500

Sector Returns

* Energy had the highest return 3.4%
* Healthcare came in a close 2nd 3.0%
* Technology continues to lead the YTD, 40%

Most Investors are continuing to pour money in to bond funds,which means most investors are painfully underweight in stocks relative to their long-term risk tolerance and financial goals. Maybe other investors could learn a lesson from our clients about planning, diversification, and rebalancing?

The Market continues to be very volatile. I

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Economic Update August 18

Headline News

* Bank Failings, 2
* US to add troops in Afghanistan
* Judge failed to approve settlement for
* CFO for Madoff pled guilty and was shocked he was sent to jail
* President confronted Healthcare opposition
* The Financial Diva will be a walk on in "Saving Grace" with Academy Award winner Holly Hunter!

Economic News

* Productivity rose 6.4%
US trade deficit grew to 27 bn in June
* Consumer sentiment fell
* July retail sales were down

Technology is leading the S&P 500 Sector Returns 37.5%

The Market continues to be very volatile. I will continue to monitor our Strategists and look for opportunities.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

See the Diva's newest article in this month's issue of Distinctly Oklahoma!

The article, entitled "It's Time to Go on a Financial Diet", is a 3-page spread with five helpful tips that "have your financial fitness in mind".

If you do not have access to a Distinctly Oklahoma magazine, click the link below to read the article now...

"It's Time to Go on a Financial Diet"

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Economic Update/Poll

Client Advisory Board Luncheon Results:

* We discussed the addition of the New Strategists Stadion and Rochdale.
* Educational Seminars, there was much discussion regarding the Value...most everyone agreed that for current Clients, since we meet and communicate so often via email, that these may not be the "Best Use of my Time" and or "Return on Investment".

After much discussion it was decided that we will be asking you to respond to One Question:

Click below to respond:

Yes or No; Benefit from an Educational Workshop

* Media, it was unanimous that participating in Smart Money, Money, Distinctly Oklahoma mags, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, CNBC, etc. interviews, were beneficial for clients and the public and I should continue to take advantage of these opportunities.

Lastly, I was instructed by my Board to "have some fun!". I listen to all comments and suggestions. Thank you all for your participation and candid input.