Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Christmas...Tax Cuts!

Déjà Vu

If I didn't know any better, I would think we only hire idiots to serve in Congress...and I have the highest respect for those willing to serve, after being elected as an Oklahoma Representative to the White House Conference on Small Business.

Writing legislation that a committee - from New Jersey, to San Francisco, to the Midwest - can agree on is no easy task! But with 4000 Top Issues effecting Small Business Owners that was narrowed down to 60, legislation was written, debated, voted on, and submitted to the President to submit to Congress in 4 days, I have little sympathy. Ya heard me right? 4 Days.

Does one Really have to wonder why the American people want successful Business Owners to run for office? I dont think so.

Here goes the Diva being outraged!

* Referring/Calling the "Tax extensions" "Tax Cuts", is absurd.

* Pretending we haven't known for 10 years this was coming up for renewal, is absurd!

* Just because Congress doesn't choose to plan a proper budget or plan for their tax responsibility doesn't mean Americans don't. But we do deserve more than a day or week to do it. Absolutely absurd!

* And for those who want to argue the "Rich", all of you earning over $250,000 per year (believe me, I know a small business owner earning $250,000 isn't rich; poor Congress doesn't even know how a business is managed successfully) can really send in any amount over and above their tax responsibility and have always had that opportunity. A recent quote from Mr. Warren Buffet, "I think that people at the high end - people like myself - should be paying a lot more in taxes...." Nobody's stopping you. Absurd.

Just like during the financial crisis in 2008, Congress didn't act until it was too late for millions of Americans....retroactive...seriously?!