Friday, March 6, 2009

Voice Your Opinion

Your participation in our "Diva Poll" was remarkable!

What this says "loud and clear", Americans want their Voices to be heard!

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Do You Have a "Bail Out" Plan?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully we will recover from this time in history and our money will return to what it was (at least). I want to invest what I can now when things are low so that hopefully that amount will quadruple in the next years, making this a time of personal opportunity that we hear financial people talking about.

My questions is, if/when this mess happens again. History tells us it will, we will be old and totally dependent on what we have invested and the returns we receive. In a similar scenario, old in age, would we be proactive and take our money out to safety so that the losses would not be what they are for people this time around?

I feel we must invest, especially right now. Why does security feel so elusive? Is it just me?